Kakha.org. Your one stop to download the books from Shri Bhagawadbhakti Ashram
"The material for download has been organized in 4 categories. Old Books, Old Magazines, Old Reports and New Literature. Old small booklets have been placed alongwith the old books."

Download - Old Books

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Vaidik Sadupadesha

A book with Upadeshas. A wonderful commentary on esoteric purport of the verses of the Vedas. Same as Amar Katha but includes Praatah Smarana, Ganesh Pujan, Omkaara vyakhya and some other material too.

Shabd Sangrah v1980

A small book of Bhajans published in the Vikrami year 1980 (1923CE).

Shabd Sangrah v1981

A book of Bhajans published in the Vikrami year 1981 (1924CE).

Shabd Sangrah v1983

A small book of Bhajans published in the Vikrami year 1983 (1926CE).

Shabd Sadachar Sangrah

A collection of bhajans, sadachar verses with meaning and Satyopadesh.

Shabd Sadachar Sangrah 1926

A book containing Bhajans and Sadachar published in the year 1926 CE.


A compilation of some material as a tribute to Swami Paramananda Ji thirty years after his Nirvana.


This book is unavailable.

Shri Paramanandamrita

Only selected material from this book that gives a brief introduction to Swami Paramananda Ji by one of his close disciples is provided here. The rest is the same as in the Sadupadesha book. (Now full text is provided.)

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (Tika Sahita)

Describes briefly the import of each Shloka of Gita in Sanskrit as well as Hindi. The distinguishing feature is an absence of pejudice towards any sect. Includes original verses too.

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