"The material for download has been organized in 4 categories. Old Books, Old Magazines, Old Reports and New Literature. Old small booklets have been placed alongwith the old books."
Download - Old BooksGyan Dharmopadesh A book of discourses by Swami Paramananda Ji. An enunciation of the arcane principles of Jnana and Dharma. Gurupujotsav A book containing some of the refrains and titles of bhajans etc. for Gurupuja, a compilation by Vanshidhar Ji. Mundakopanishad A book dictated by Swami Paramananda Ji to his disciple Shri Raghunath Swami. It provides the original Mantras of the Mundakopanishad with their meaning in Hindi and occasionally a brief explanation of the Mundakopanishad. |
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