"The material for download has been organized in 4 categories. Old Books, Old Magazines, Old Reports and New Literature. Old small booklets have been placed alongwith the old books."
Download - Old BooksAmar Katha A book dictated by Swami Paramananda Ji to his disciple Shri Raghunath Swami. It is a wonderful commentary on esoteric purport of the verses of the Vedas. Ashtottara Shata Mantra Mala A collection 0f 108 Mantras and Shlokas from Gita and the Upanishads for daily Upasana, chosen by Swami Paramananda Ji. Ashram Ka Sankshipta Itihas A small booklet that descibes the Ashram and its activities, it was published a few years after the Ashram was established. It also includes the views of visitors to the Ashram. Ashram Ki Sankshipta Vivarana Patrika A very small booklet describing the Ashram published a few years after the Ashram was established. Ganesha Poojan This very small booklet dictated by Swami Paramananda Ji to his devotee Shri Raghunath Swami describes the Real Nature of Ganesha Ji as also the meaning of devotion to him. Gayatri (Hindi) This small booklet describes the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra and its importance. It was published in 1934. Gayatri (English) A very small booklet describing the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra and its importance. Gayatri (from Bhakti) The meaning of the Gayatri Mantra as described by Swami Paramananda Ji alongwith information on the Rishi, Chhanda and Devata of the Mantra, the procedure for performing Japa and quotations concerning the importance of the Mantra. Gayatri Hymn A very small booklet describing the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra in some detail and its importance. Gayatri (Kavitamaya Prarthana) This poem was composed to describe the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra following that explained by Maharaj Ji. |
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